Lectures On Particle Physics
Prof Rajesh Dubey was invited to visit CERN France for presenting lectures to Oxford school students on various topics of particle physics. He also leaded the students to the experimental area in the world’s largest particle collider LHC.
Particle physics
Particle physics is the study of the elementary building blocks of matter and radiation and their interaction. The fundamental particles are summarised by the standard model. This includes leptons (such as the electron), the quarks that make up protons and neutrons, and gauge bosons, which mediate forces between the other particles.
Experimental particle physics
Experimental particle physics is the practical investigation of the fundamental components of matter and radiation. A crucial tool in the arsenal of the experimental particle physicist is the particle accelerator. The fundamental particles that make up matter can briefly be revealed when matter collides together at speeds close to that of light.
Particle astrophysics
Particle astrophysics is the study of fundamental particles travelling through space, particularly those that reach the Earth. These cosmic rays include photons, protons, alpha particles and neutrinos. Some of these decay to other particles in the atmosphere, while neutrinos can pass through the entire Earth without being absorbed.
Theoretical particle physics
Theoretical particle physics is the development of models for describing fundamental particles and their interactions. This includes testing and refining the prevailing theory: the standard model. Theoretical particle physics can also include developing the computation tools required to analyse vast quantities of data produced from particle-collider experiments.
Prof Rajesh Dubey was invited to visit CERN France for presenting lectures to Oxford school students on various topics of particle physics. He also leaded the students to the experimental area in the world’s largest particle collider LHC.